Volunteer Opportunities
Would you like to volunteer at our agency and make an important difference? Our friendly staff are recruiting volunteers to help with a variety of tasks.
We will train you! Enjoy being involved with the community, and perhaps move into a paid position. As a volunteer, you can name your own hours and select the job you're comfortable with.
Crisis Hotline volunteer positions require the completion of a 74-hour sexual assault and domestic violence crisis counselor training.
Volunteering for certain positions, such as helping at events, does not require special training.
Empower Tehama offers a FREE 74-hour training that will provide you with the essential skills and resources needed to become a volunteer sexual assault and domestic violence crisis intervention counselor.
To receive more information, please email jennifera@empowertehama.org.
For more information, call our office at 530-528-0300 or submit an application online. We welcome your inquiry.
We are looking for volunteers for our 24-Hour Crisis Hotline, Legal Program, Shelter Services and other programs where sexual assault and domestic violence counselor training is required.
Apply to be a Camp HOPE America, Tehama Volunteer!
Camp HOPE is the first camping and mentoring initiative in the United States to focus on children exposed to domestic violence. Camp HOPE Volunteers serve as cheerleaders in campers’ lives and your commitment, mentorship and guidance can make a difference! To learn more about Camp HOPE, America, Tehama, click here.